CHCI-GHI 2020-2021 Webinar Series_UM Session II: Refugee Youth in action.

CHCI-GHI 2020-2021 Webinar Series_UM Session II Refugee Youth in action.    CHCI-GHI 2020-2021 Webinar Series_UM Session II: Refugee Youth in action took place on 27th September, 2020.  The webinar showcased a conversation with two amazing youth leaders: Hasan Al-Akra, refugee rights activist and co-founder of the Al-Hasan Volunteer Network, and Abeera Abdulah, co-founder…

Webinar: Refugee Youth in Action

Webinar - Refugee Youth in Action 27th September 2020 15.00-16.00 (Malaysian Time) Join the conversation with two amazing youth leaders: Hasan Al-Akra, refugee rights activist, and co-founder of the Al-Hasan Volunteer Network, and Abeera Abdulah, co-founder and vice-president, Project Standard Up. Divya Devi, youth leader, and Programme Officer, Team Selangor…

CHCI-GHI 2020-2021 1st WEBINAR

    CHCI-GLOBAL HUMANITIES INSTITUTE 2020-2021 Migration, Logistics and Unequal Citizens in Contemporary Global Context A webinar on "Borders, Logistics and Unequal Lives"   22 SEPTEMBER 2020 7:00 PM (GMT+8) INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CULTURAL STUDIES NATIONAL CHIAO TUNG UNIVERSITY TAIWAN (R.O.C) The webinar on “Borders, Logistics and Unequal Lives,” to be…

CHCI-GHI 2020-2021 Introductory Meeting

CHCI-GHI 2020-2021 Introductory Meeting CHCI Global Humanities Institute  Migration, Logistics and Unequal Citizens (MLUC) in Contemporary Global Context in the time of COVID-19 CHCI-GHI 2020-2021 will hold its first online meeting on 15th June 2020. The online forum would be a platform for Principal Investigators (PIs), Co-PIs, and participants of CHCI-GHI 2020-21 to…


The second Pre-Institute Meeting between CHCI-Mellon Global Humanities Institute’s members was organized in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 6th-8th December 2019. Thirty-one participants were invited to this planning meeting. Every participant from our partner institutes and affiliations shared their research projects/interests and discussed the design of the 2020 GHI program. We…